Кусок вредины, киса, красавица, люблю массовые расстрелы.
Christopher, I was your listener, Christopher,
I've never felt love like this before, Christopher,
Christopher, now and forevermore, Chrisopher
I'll never stop saying Christopher, Christopher...
Christopher, I was your prisoner, Christopher,
I hope you're happy now, Chistopher
Thank you for everything, but I'm not listening anymore nor do I plan to contribute to NPR
Christopher, beautiful, Christopher,
I'm the girl you've been waiting for
DD,"Christopher Lydon"
рисуюсь по этим строчкам.
I've never felt love like this before, Christopher,
Christopher, now and forevermore, Chrisopher
I'll never stop saying Christopher, Christopher...
Christopher, I was your prisoner, Christopher,
I hope you're happy now, Chistopher
Thank you for everything, but I'm not listening anymore nor do I plan to contribute to NPR
Christopher, beautiful, Christopher,
I'm the girl you've been waiting for
DD,"Christopher Lydon"
рисуюсь по этим строчкам.